#208 - Where to Propose and Other Fun Stuff
Where to Propose and Other Fun Stuff - Episode #208
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Today we are sharing a few articles we found on where to propose. Plus we have a few fun extras, including a listener question!
Popular places to get engaged around the world
- Central Park, NY
- The Eiffel Tower, Paris
- Brooklyn Bridge, NY
- The Grand Canyon, AZ
- Oia, Santorini
- The Colosseum, Rome
- Tower Bridge, London
- Sydney Opera House, Australia
- The Louvre, Paris
- Lake Louise, Hamlet Alberta Canada
Popular places to get engaged in the US
*Check out the link for more info like where to propose in each city!
- Chicago
- Nantucket
- Austin
- Boston
- San Fran
- LA
- Honolulu
- Philly
- Charleston
Places to get engaged in each US state
Weird wedding stuff
Listener Question:
Hey, Ladies, I love the podcast! I have been binge listening since I got engaged! I love your interviews but also enjoy when just you two chat. I am sorry if this has already been a question, I tried to search it within the group. My mom and I are not close, my fiancé and I have planned and are paying for our wedding. My mom wants to be involved and has even bought shirts for two of the guys in the wedding party without telling us, in a different color than the rest of the wedding party will be wearing. After I found out I called the two guys and told them not to worry the shirts they had already were what we wanted so everyone matches. We planned it so we could have the wedding we want. She is intent on being involved somehow any ideas how to solve this? I have heard suggestions like flowers or something but that is already taken care of and I am anticipating a blowout with us or my sister who lives with her and her refusal to come to the wedding. (this is not uncommon she left my sisters graduation party because my sister invited her half-brother) If she does not come besides the initial awkwardness with my family and my stepdad (who I am close to) there I don't think it would bother me. In fact, I hope it happens before the wedding rather than at the wedding. Any advice or possible solutions much appreciated!
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-Until next time, No Stress No Worries Keep Calm and Listen On –